겉으로만 드러나는 화려함 보다는 내적으로 충만한 건축을 선호하며 거주자의 정주 가치가 우선이 되는 디자인을 추구합니다. 건축과 삶의 지속가능함을 중요한 가치로 여기며 시간이 걸려도 기본을 놓치지 않는 태도로 건축주.건축가.건설가 모두가 만족하는 환경을 만들고자 합니다.
건축가 / 윤태권
Engineforce Architects focus on the experiential richness rather than the superficial attractiveness. The value of the residents is our priority. Our design process emphasizes the sustainability in architecture as well as sustainable life as our important values within a reasonable period of time. We keep trying to establish an environment where clients, architects and contractors are all satisfied, collaborating each other with a common goal.
Architect / YUN TAE KWON
건축가 / 윤태권
Engineforce Architects focus on the experiential richness rather than the superficial attractiveness. The value of the residents is our priority. Our design process emphasizes the sustainability in architecture as well as sustainable life as our important values within a reasonable period of time. We keep trying to establish an environment where clients, architects and contractors are all satisfied, collaborating each other with a common goal.
Architect / YUN TAE KWON